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Ways to Connect and Serve

Here, along with the other pages under this heading, is a partial listing of the ways we come together, for fun, fellowship, faith, and service.

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them."
Matthew 18:20
Pancake Breakfasts


Our monthly free breakfasts, held from October through May provide outreach to the community and help build fellowship without our own midst.

Coffee/Lemonade Hour

Following worship each Sunday we have a time of fellowship in the Fireplace Room.  From September through May, coffee, juice, and goodies are available, hosted by church members. In the summer, lemonade is served by members of the Diaconate.

Prayer Chain

We currently have 30 people who will pray for any church member, relative or friend who is in need of prayer.   Prayer requests can also be left on our Contact Us page

Bible Study

is led by the pastor, on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month, at 5:15 pm.


Book Group

is led by whichever member has a book she would like to discuss, and is held at whatever times are most convenient for members, often after the Sunday Service.  Most recently, we studied Ten Teachings for One World, by Gina Lake.

Social Activities Committee


We are the folks in the background who provide the comfort and togetherness of good food.  We organize the potluck suppers, and can provide refreshments for weddings, funerals, and other occasions when we are needed.


Education Committee


We work with children.  We organize the Sunday School, and will coordinate youth group and Vacation Bible School as our congregation's children reach the age when they can enjoy these resources.

Stewardship Committee

We are responsible for expanding the Christian stewardship of our personal resources of time, talent, and money.  We conduct the annual pledge campaign in the fall.

Physical Properties

We are responsible for the care and custody of this historic church building and grounds. We hire and oversee the church sexton, and are currently consulting about the feasibility of replacing our wheelchair ramp with a Vertical Platform Lift.

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