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We think of ourselves as a mission-focused church, whose role is to build community and support each other, our neighbors, and our wider world.  Although our “official” Missions Committee numbers only three people, Missions projects are headed by additional folks within our midst, and supported by the congregation. So, we are a committee of all of us!


Let our light shine.


Monthly Special Offerings


Each month our church aims to have a designed mission project. Some of these are UCC missions, others benefit such groups as the Boys and Girls Club, or Green Mountain CrosroadsWe take up a birthday collection each month for Habitat For Humanity.

Dove Program


The Dove Program collects non-perishable food and personal care items requested by participants in the local AIDS Project. Our congregation has been involved with the Dove Program since 2013. The infusion of food stuffs and personal care items donated by our members has been tremendous. The AIDS Project is very grateful to those in our congregation who have helped make this a special ongoing mission.

Cub Scout Pack 447


We also provide meeting space for the Brattleboro Area Cub Scouts, who gather here on Thursday nights.

Overflow Shelter Meals


Once again, our congregation faithfully provided warm meals (including ingredients, money and time to prepare meals) for the community overflow shelter throughout the winter months. Volunteers from our congregation are already gearing up to do so again the meal location and dates are announced. Sign-up sheets will be on the back table as in past years

UCC Missions


Our church is recognized as one of 26 out of 200 churches to be "5 for 5," or to participate in each of the UCC's five annual special missions:  One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, Our Church's Wider Mission, and the Christmas Fund.

Wider Church Mission


Members in our congregation continue each year to collect and donate items to fill hygiene and school kits to be shared with those in need delivered through the Church World Service. This past spring, we supplied 16 each of school kits and hygiene kits to the program.

Holiday Food Drive


Ever since 2011, our congregation has had an annual concerted food drive in November and December to help feed those in our communities who don't have enough to eat. We set the goal to fill at least 12 grocery shopping bags to overflowing for the Groundworks Collaborative Drop-In Center by mid-December. We easily surpass that goal!

Ongoing Support


When we are not focusing on this annual Drop-In Center mission project, members of our congregation faithfully bring in groceries each Sunday. In fact, receipts from the center show we take in an average of 40 dollars' worth of groceries a delivery—sometimes more, and sometimes a little less.

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